Making a Difference With AFSC
Since 2018, AFSC has provided fiscal and administrative support that turns ideas into action for the benefit of all who live in Sisters. The organization champions a livable, resilient community and draws from the national model of Domains of Livability as its guide in that effort. Domains cover everything from housing to healthcare, education to equity and culture to communication, so there is no shortage of opportunities for AFSC to make Sisters a resilient, welcoming place for all ages. But, as AFSC founder Toni Landis explains, “What we do have is a shortage of helping hands. Right now, AFSC is run entirely by a small group of very dedicated volunteers and board members. Our ability to have a greater impact in the community is just a math problem. The more committed individuals we can rely on, the more initiatives we can take from lightbulb to launch and make a real difference.”
Making a Difference Made Easy
Have you ever thought of a great way to make your community better but had no way to get your idea off the ground? A Sisters nonprofit knows that feeling and is doing something about it.
AFSC (Age Friendly Sisters Country) was founded in late 2018 with a mission to make Sisters livable and accessible for all. That may sound like a lofty goal, but it’s backed by the organization’s ability to mobilize resources. As AFSC founder Toni Landis explains, “We help people take their ideas from lightbulb moment to launch. Our community is filled with thinkers who have fantastic ideas, big and small, for making Sisters truly resilient. But many of those ideas don’t go anywhere because the process of creating a nonprofit to support the concept is pretty overwhelming. AFSC delivers strategic oversight, fiscal structure and administrative support so people can get their ideas up and running more easily than they could on their own. In effect, we create a straight line between innovation and impact.”